Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The death of a Modern Myth Maker: Stan Lee

The world keeps losing heroes. Stan Lee, one of the men who changed comics forever by creating/ co-creating Marvels biggest heroes:

Black Panther


Captain America


The X-men

Dr. Strange

Characters whose names and origins have become so icon that they're known the world over. They have been likened to the Greek myths, in terms of how deeply they have ingrained themselves into American culture. Phrases like "With great power, comes great responsibility" are part of the cultural lexicon. All thanks to Stan Lee.

Even thought his characters had larger then life abilities, super strength, spider sense, super speed, flight, magic Stan championed that his heroes are people first.  By grounding them in the real and giving them very human flaws his heroes have been able to evolve with the times.

He championed civil rights in a time when saying that all people, regardless of race, are equal was seen as political.  In his "Stan's Soapbox" column in 1968 he wrote."Bigotry  and Racism  are among the deadliest social ills today"  Here's a great collection of some of Stan's most powerful Stan Soapbox columns. They still ring true to this day.

With out Stan Lee, I wouldn't be who I am. His heroes and heroines did more then just entertain me, they showed me the good that all of us are capable of doing. Today is also Random Acts of Kindness day (although it really should be everyday), so I know it sounds super dopey but be someones hero. Be a shoulder to cry on, a friend to laugh with or just do something to brighten the world. Your act, no matter how small, can help. Be the hero that Stan Lee would write about.

Stan, thank you for the 95 wonderful years that you gave this world. Your love and spirit that you poured into your characters lives on forever. Thank you.

(Yes, I know Kamala Khan  wasn't created by Stan Lee but she embodies so many of the ideas he championed that this panel fits perfectly)

Housekeeping Note: This weekend, dear readers, the Weekend of W.I.T.C.H. will start! I'll try to post the start of my retrospective on W.I.T.C.H.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary Episodes 1-5 review

Quick Update:Your probably thinking "Hey, Drawnseeker, didn't you want to start a W.I.T.C.H. retrospective? When is that coming out?" Well, dear reader, that will be released soon. I have way more to say on both the first story arc and series as a whole. Sorting and turning a small mountain of notes into a readable blog post isn't easy.  So please bear with me as I try to make this into something I'll be proud of.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop blogging until I work this out. So here's my first anime review on this blog. Enjoy

Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary is a strange beast indeed. Based on a Taiwanese video game from 2004 and made into an anime in 2018 by Japanese anime production studio, Studio DEEN. Why wait so long to make an adaptation? Is it any good? I don't know the answer to the former but as for the latter, I think it's pretty darn good.

In an alternate ancient China the Taibai Empire expands it's power with Constructs, robots made of wood and bronze powered by magic. They swept across the land leaving death in their wake. Fu Yin and Fu Ning are two sisters who lived in a small nomadic village with their friend, a boy named Pu Zhao. After a brutal attack by the Empire Ning loses her arms and Pu Zhao is assumed dead.
The plot sounds very generic at first but it's the intense focus this show has on it's leads: the Fu sisters and Pu Zhao that is where it's at it's best. Within 5 episodes the characters grow leaps and bounds but the plot itself moves at a glacial pace.

The show starts with the sisters as travelling entertainers, Yin with her impressive sword skills and Ning with her spear which she wields using her prosthetic arms. There's  a great scene in Episode one where the pair put on a show for the villagers and Ning's prosthetics fly off and she wields her a sword with her feet! It's all part of their show, but I wish Ning got to fight with her feet more.  With shows like Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, the bar for having main character with disabilities has been raised. I'm not expecting Ning to have the badass skills of Ming Hua, a great villain from Season 3 of Legend of Korra who uses her water bending to supplement  being born without arms. It seems like they're not sure what she can and do without her artificial arms so for a few episodes she kind of just stands around while Yin does everything for her. The writers realize this flaw and turn it into character growth for both sisters.  But I don't have physical disability so take my critique of her with a grain of salt.
Ming Hua from the amazing Legend of Korra 
Yin  struggles with being the protector. Even in flashbacks, it's shown that Yin looks out for Ning to the point where she butts in on the budding romance between Ning and Pu Zhao. But Ning especially after getting her magical enhanced  prosthetics, puts herself in more and more danger. The younger sister wants to kill Taibai soldiers with a nearly serial killer like need. This scares Yin because she's never seen such a violent side of her sister and once Ning can protect herself, just what is her role now? Who is she suppose to be? 

While Ning takes to killing like a fish to water, Yin is much more hesitant. Although Yin finding the scroll that contains the Xuan Yuan sword  of the title she's not excited. She takes no joy in combat. Even when they return to a village they helped save only to discover that its been razed to the ground, Yin and Yun (a Construct that Yin can summon forth from her scroll) she doesn't kill the enemy commander. Ning does, in a fit of rage fueled by finding the body of a little girl they had saved. It's violence that continues to drive a rift between the sisters. Even when approached by rebels who are impressed by Yin's abilities she still refuses to join them. She wants a quite life with Ning. Hell, she goes so far as to give up the magic scroll, only to learn that she's the only person who can wield it's powers. It's only later when Ning mentions that fighting for the people you love is important and how happy she feels that she can finally help her sister that Yin realizes she was wrong. Even when they get ambushed by Taibai troops, Yin tries to talk things out with them. Only when Ning is (yet again) put in mortal danger does her older sister summon her blade. I do love how the show chooses to portray this fight. It's not a heroic stand against evil but it's one of utter bloodshed as Yin's eyes go wild and she butchers the soldiers all while getting stained with blood. 

The Fu sisters internal struggles split over in episode 5 after they have an argument because the younger sister what to liberate a town under  the control of a corrupt lord, but the rebels rightly point out that the area has too many troops stationed so they can't launch an offensive.  Yin admits to liking who Ning was before she got combat useful arms. Ning runs off, sad and enraged. In a moment that I didn't see coming, Fu Ning murders a Taibai soldier who had decided to leave her alone after Yin quickly makes up an excuse for why they were out so late. The way Ning rationalizes her actions as just because he's an enemy soldier is chilling. This is no longer the playful little girl that Yin watched over all those years ago.

But what of Pu Zhao? Well, shock of all shocks he's not dead. Instead, his fate is that he's a slave forced to help build the Constructs the empire used to kill his village. By night he experiments with Construct parts making toys instead of weapons. It's on these nightly tinkering sessions that meets the Empress who is just a child herself. The pair become friends of sorts. After Mo Heng, the chief engineer of the Empire defects to the rebels, Empress Cheng declares Pu Zhao to take his place. This puts Zhao in an interesting position in the series. He's clearly an antagonist, willing creating new Constructs and even gaining a military position that has him leading them into battle, but he's given as much emotional complexity as the Fu sisters. He suffers from PTSD, being unable to sleep due to horrible nightmares about his home village being destroyed  and all the death he witnessed as a slave. So he's up all night creating new machines. I'm still not sure why he's so ready to make weapons that he knows will cause more bloodshed. He's seen the effect they have on innocent people first hand, yet he still willing making deadly Constructs. Perhaps he thinks if he makes better weapons he can end the war faster, thus ensuring peace? The show never really makes his true motive clear to the viewer so he's an enigma of a character.  Empress Cheng is also given quite a bit of development. Although she is still a child, she's more then willing to wield her considerable political power for her own reasons. She keeps the warring going because that was her late father's wish. To untie the world. But she does question whether all this bloodshed is worth it.

The characters overshadow the plot in my eyes, as they get so much development, yet nothing really happens. Oh, there are battles and tactics and plans setup but it never feels like things are really moving forward.

So far, biggest flaw so far the pacing of the series. Things feel like they move very slowly, which would be fine if this was a 20 episode series but it's listed as 13. Xuan Yuan is  up to the episode 5 and the sisters have only just started working with the rebels. The first 3 episodes have moments that feel like filler. Such as Pu Zhao building a new type of construct only to have it defeated in the same episode.  The reuse of  animation is an issue as well such as the summoning sequences for both the Xuan Yuan Sword, Yun and her robot dog transformation showing up almost every episode. I love magical girl anime, so reused animation normally isn't an issue for me but the animation itself can be very lifeless and hollow. So seeing it over and over again  just highlights its empty feeling. I've seen a lot of reviewers complain heavily about the bad CGI. The Constructs are all CGI and while their animal and insect inspired designs are cool they look pretty clunky in motion. But I've personally seen worse so I don't knock off too many points for it.
 A bigger flaw is that the rebels, for all their importance to the plot, are very one note. They play heavily into classic anime personality types: The hot head, the strong guy, the older woman. I can't even remember their names for this review. So much of the run time is devoted to the central cast that they feel like puppets in comparison. If the show could just control it's pacing and learn to balance it's screen time more it would be for the better.

This is more a personal opinion then an outright flaw but I wish it was a Donghua instead of an anime. Donghua is Chinese anime such as Fox Spirit MatchMaker and Mao do zu shi ( Known as Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation in English)  (Both of which are truly excellent series btw give them a watch. Mao is especially beautiful in every sense of the word) I say this because I like the games character designs and I wished this series had a more Mao do Zu Shi style art because it fits better with the overall tone and themes the show wants to address. Also donghua needs more series with female leads that aren't straight up romances.

The original character designs from the game this anime is based on

Mao Do Zu Shi (yes, the art style really is this beautiful. It looks even better in motion)

To sum up my thoughts
The Good
-The strong focus on character relationships lets the core characters feel like people.
- Near utter lack of fan service. There is an as of yet unnamed female villain whose huge chest gets quite a bit of focus but other then that it's pretty tame.
-The Silkpunk setting. Writer Ken Liu defines Silkpunk as "Like steampunk, silkpunk is a blend of science fiction and fantasy. But while steampunk takes as its inspiration the chrome-brass-glass technology aesthetic of the Victorian era, silkpunk draws inspiration from classical East Asian antiquity." (To read more about Silkpunk see his interview on his novel  The Grace of Kings here)  

The Bad
-Lack of development for the Rebels
-Overused animation

The Ugly
-Some of the CGI during the battles can get really rough 

Overall, it's still worth a watch despite it's glaring flaws. I'd give it a 3.5 out 5 so far.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

W.I.T.C.H. Series overview

If there is one series of comics that both defined my childhood and have had a huge impact on me it's W.I.T.C.H..  Spanning 139 issues, this Italian comic series was made in the early 2000's. It even gained enough popularity to get a 2 season TV show. Before the comics came stateside, they were again adapted into 26 middle grade novels that added more depth to the first 2 story arcs of the comics.

I was a huge fan of the series in high school, although I was outside the target audience for the novelizations I devoured them. And once I discovered it based on comics I would hunt for English scans online of the most recent issues. As I got older, life got more complex and I forgot this gem of a comic.

So when I learned that Yen Press got the rights to release the entire series, beyond the first two story arcs I was filled with nostalgia. A quick google image search brought back all my happy memories. So does the series still hold up after 15 years? (Geez, just typing that makes me feel like an old lady).

I'm thinking of doing a retrospective of each major story arc to see if I'm not blinded by my memories.

If you want to read along with me you can find both physical and e-book editions of the first 4 story arcs here. Yen Press W.I.T.C.H. website

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Passing of a Master

Today, at the age of 94, one of the Father's  of the Wuxia genre, Louis Cha, who wrote under the pen name of Jin Yong passed away. The author of over 14 novels and countless short stories his prolific pen gave life to characters that are famous in Asia and are now becoming popular in the West.
I stumbled across the 2017 drama adaption of Legend of Condor Heroes purely by chance on Youtube It was my first true dive into the world of Wuxia and while at first the special effects made me the laugh and the drama felt a bit campy, I was completely entranced.

The sweeping epic scale of Jin Yong's storytelling transferred to the screen and I found myself eagerly binge watching episode after episode. A world of noble heroes, smart heroines and truly evil villains all in a back drop of Song Dynasty China. Soon I was digging into Chinese history and culture beyond just the Song Dynasty. I found a welcoming community of fans from all over the world who shared their love to Wuxia and Xianxia .

When I found out that his Condor Heroes novels were officially being translated into English I immediately ordered the first book off Amazon. While the translation has many issues (And I'm still not done reading it but I may post a review one day), at heart it captures the complex world of heroes and villains.

His writing introduced to me my favorite character, Huang Rong (Li Yitong)
She checks all my "This woman is my favorite character boxes". She's confident, spunky, cunning and down right fun! It was characters like her and Mu Nianci (Meng Ziyi)  who is another amazing character, that got me searching for more heroines.

Villainous women like the terrifying and powerful Mei Chaofeng (Mi Lu) kept me glued to my computer screen.

I have issues with how he handles his female characters, especially how most of their goals are focused on men, but there is no denying that they are great. So, to honor the memory of a true master of the genre, whose tales are modern legends, give Condor Heroes a read. Here's the Amazon link for the English translation of the 1st novel.
A Hero Born:Legend of Condor Heroes vol 1
 Or if you want to explore other Wuxia writers both classic, such as Jin Yong's friend and fellow Founding Father of Wuxia, Gu Long check out WuxiaWorld, which is were you can read free and legal translations of Chinese and Korean novels.

What would you like me to write about next? While I enjoy Wuxia, I love fantasy novels, anime, comics and pretty much most nerdy things. So tell me in the comments what my next post should be about and I may just write it!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

First Impressions:Oriental Odyssey

With such a grand title and a poster that clearly promises some epic adventures to be had, How could I not be excited about this show?

Official Plot summary from Viki:  What  would be her most surprising case? Ye Yuan'an ( Wu Qian) is the daughter of the Assistant Minister of Revenue during the Tang Dynasty. Somewhat of an amateur sleuth, Ye Yuan'an loves solving mysteries and constantly in competition with Zhao Lanzhi ( Zhang Yu Jian), a police officer who is trying to do his job.  Yuan'an has the assistance of Mu Le ( Zheng ye Cheng), a young man she took in as a family servant after saving him from danger.

But what will Yuan'an do when she discovers Mu Le's true identity?

My First Impressions:
While the an Oriental Odyssey has an overly dramatic opening theme that paints it as a fantasy adventure, the first 3 episodes are an engaging mystery that seems firmly set in the non-magical Tang Dynasty, with some hits towards a larger mystical setting. The show doubles down on it's large scope fantasy premise with a beautifully animated creation myth. The myth is about 9 Divine Beads created by the goddess Nuwa to quell nine warring tribes by sealing their powers inside said beads. But centuries later the beads are found causing strife among humans who want there power. After a flashy and well choreographed fight scene the mystical objects scatter themselves across China.  If  a viewer had tuned in late or missed that prologue, I wouldn't be surprised if they thought that they were watching period drama with some Wuxia flair mixed in.

Thankfully, these opening  episodes have me already invested even if the big adventure plot maybe a slow boil.  Wu Qian does one hell of a wonderful job playing Yuan'an.

I'm a sucker for kick butt ladies so Yuan'an being a tomboyish, headstrong girl with a strong sense of justice made her a lead I could already get behind. But it's her brains, not her brawn that made her so enduring to me. She's able to match wits with Constable Lanzhi and use her cleverness to get in and out of trouble. The character moment that won me over the most was when her servant,  Shi Tou, tells her that his girlfriend is falsely accused of murdering a brothel worker named Ru Yue.

Yuan'an goes into her "Justice Cave" (It's stated that it's her shed but it looks like a batcave so I couldn't help myself with the nickname) and gets a James Bond style gadget from a mystery man in dark cloak. And then proceeds to use her martial arts and spider bracelet to bust Shi Tou girlfriend's out of jail. She even goes so far as hide the woman at her own manor after they fail to escape the city.  As a counter balance to that side of her character, Yuan'an does get really great comedy moments where she makes some truly meme worthy facial expressions. I love her bold confidence showcased when she puts her own freedom on the line to work with the constable to find the real murderer.

Which is where the constable, Zhao Lanzhi, comes into the picture.

 He technically appears before our heroine, setting up the opium smuggling plot line that serves as the main mystery for these opening episodes. He's got a very Sherlock Holmes feel, shown by him being correct about a suspected smuggling ship, even thought it has legal papers, because of the ships low waterline is was a great character introduction.  But unlike Holmes with his eccentric behaviors, Lanzhi is very by the book. Which at first made him feel a bit boring since I could see his "realizing that true justice is more shades of grey then black and white" plot line coming a mile away.  Even after his fantastic meet cute moment with Yuan'an, by carrying her down from a scaffold using a giant red ribbon as a rope, I still hadn't warmed up to him. But when the show dives into his private life, then he becomes a much richer character. He's an ex soldier who served with Jiang Ren and Pei Xianya. Jiang Ren is a slave, Pei Wei and Lanzhi are nobles yet become sworn brothers. It's this class division that adds weight to Lanzhi since he knows just how large the gap between noble, commoner and slave is due to these relationships. With episode 3 seeing one of his sworn brothers brought to justice, I can't wait to see Lanzhi's values come into conflict more and more.  Zhang Yu Jian  plays off Wu Qian's passionate charm with a natural stoicism that makes him a feel like a constable. It's when he literally gets to let his hair down and shows more layered emotions off duty that he shows his acting skill.

That social divide plays a huge role in these episodes especially with Mu Le.

He starts out as the odd man out of the cast for me. He's introduced as a nameless, mute wild man whose forced into slavery at the Qianduan Brothel.  Yuan'an saves him from getting a savage caning from his master and he in turn saves her from being trampled to death by her own runaway horse, giving them a very nice meet cute moment while setting them as equals. I was a bit leery when Yuan'an literally buys him from a black market slave auction, since she does it like buying another human being is a totally normal thing to do.  I was worried about the power dynamics of the Master/Slave relationship but the show side steps this by having Yuan'an treat him as a person, not property. His character really gets more depth once the mystery hits full steam allowing him to show that's more then just a strong wild man and he proves to play a huge role in solving part of the murder mystery. Zheng ye Cheng has the toughest role since his is the most physical and expressive. He only just starts talking at the end of  episode 3 so I can't judge his verbal acting ability just yet. Most of his dialogue has been growls, snarls and pointing at things.  I was worried that show would draw out his Tarzan act but since he's already talking, I hope they can give Mu Le a character now.

I'm being vague about how the opium and the murder of Ru Yue are connected since it is a quite well done mini mystery that gives a decent setup for overarching style of the series. Although, a certain character just flat out telling our trapped heroes who the leader of the smuggling ring is, after revealing that they know Lanzhi is a cop, made them look pretty stupid for a person who ran a crime ring. The subplot of the romance between Princess Minghui and Pei Xianya felt very generic and  without a spark between the two. But the way it wraps back around to connect to the main plot felt natural. It just felt like it took a bit too long for the pieces to fit together. The only other major flaw so far is the CGI. My introduction to Chinese drams was with the Taoism Grandmaster, so I've seen my share of cheap CGI. But at the climax of Episode Three, I had to stifle a laugh when a clearly CGI plate and table flew across the screen followed by a very fake looking boat capsizing. And the thing that takes the cake was that it was then directly followed by an odd green screen effect of swimming underwater that was clearly staged. Having these scenes almost back to back killed the tension.

The show also struggles with it's tone. Since it deals with slavery, murder, drug smuggling and shows the side effects of opium addiction you'd expect a dark, somber tone but the show has some great comedy moments that keeps it from feeling too grim or gritty while still  giving a sense of weight to the darker aspects of the plot. Although there were quite a few moments where the scales tipped too far towards comedy or melodrama. The fact that Yuan'an gets over the shock of seeing a pregnant woman threatened to be cut open so a slaver can assure his eager buyers she'll have a boy so in only two scenes was hard to wrap my head around. Or the flashback Lanzhi has about the border war where we see wounded soldiers screaming in agony only to be undercut by an extra who decides to over act to the point that he falls off the gurney.  Moments like these nearly took me out of the story. With it's tone problems I'm worried that once it swings into a magic focused show that it will lose its mystery angle.

The Good
-Fun Characters
-Interesting mystery setup

The Bad
-Awkward Tonal shifts

The Ugly
-The CGI

An interesting and engaging mystery that's building towards a magical quest. So far, it's got me hooked even with it's tonal struggles.