Sunday, January 19, 2020

Black Sand The Seven Kingdoms review

I just finished reading the underrated gem of a comic, Black Sands The Seven Kingdoms. Set in a magical version of the ancient world, the story follows  Ausar, Prince of Kemet and his siblings as they travel the ancient world having epic adventures. 
I love everything about this series. The artwork is crisp, clean and the fight scenes are clear. The writing is strong with each of the siblings have a clear voice and layered personality. I like Auset's childlike nature, Seth's tempered wisdom, Nehbet's brashness and Ausar's questioning of what it means to be a pharaoh.  But it's the setting that is truly captivating. There are no current comics set in Ancient Kemet and Kush. Since most series are Eurocentric, it's usually ancient Greece or Rome, so to focus on a civilization that is widely unknown to general readers as well as glossed over in history lessons is a great idea. Each of the 3 issues in this hardcover volume has historical notes at the end focusing on the real-world basis for the fantastical characters. It's enough to get my curiosity piqued to learn more about these overlooked myths. From discussing the establishment of the Kushite Empire to introducing mythological Gods such as Tehuti and Marduke the series blends fantasy and history to create a unique setting all it's own. But the most empowering part of this series is it's entirely black cast. To have a story that has multilayered, rich and complex black characters of all ages from wise pharaohs, eager children, women warriors is truly special. It's a take on the ancient world that highlights it real diversity showing interactions between Minoa, Kemet, Greece, and Sumer all wrapped up in an great story. My only issue with the series so far is the character design for Nuit, The Whisper of Death, and Ausar's mother compared to the rest of the women in the book her outfit is a little too revealing but she's such a fun character that I can partially over look it.
With likable characters, a unique setting, great artwork and story that's just starting to unveil all of the plot I'm eagerly awaiting the rest of the series.  
Here are the character summaries they posted up on their Kickstarter for the next three issues in the series.

 Here's where you buy both the Hardcover that collections issue 1-3 of this great series, the most recent issues.: Black Sands Entertainment
They also have Youtube where they have motion comics of the first two issues up for new readers to check out:Black Sands motion comic episode 1

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